ヴィルダ from フィンランド

Vilda (ヴィルダ)はフィンランドの民謡、現代のポップミュージックの影響を受け、神秘的ヨイク、揺れるリズム、即興演奏を独自の手法で組み合わせています。
Inspired by Finnish folk songs and contemporary pop music, Vilda uses a unique combination of mysterious joik, swaying rhythms and improvisation.
The music of melancholy and passion may allow listeners to imagine the hills of the northern countries, the vast landscape of icy winds, or something else.
When you want to concentrate on music. For a change of mood. Even if it's only a few minutes per song, it will deliver such music that will be by your side to any occasion in your life.

Hildá Länsmanは、フィンランド北部ウツヨキ出身の新進気鋭のヨイク歌手で、家族や親戚は伝統的なサーミ族の生活を営んでいます。母もまた著名なヨイク歌手であり、そのDNAを確実に受け継いでいます。
Viivi MariaSaarenkyläは国際的に活躍する若いアコーディオン奏者。世界中のミュージシャンから共演を渇望されている逸材です。
Hildá Länsman is an up-and-coming Joik singer from Utsjoki, northern Finland, whose family and relatives live a traditional Sampi life.
Her mother is also a prominent Joik singer and has definitely inherited that DNA.
Viivi Maria Saarenkylä is an internationally active young accordion player.
She is a talented accordion player that musicians all over the world are craving for co-starring.
インスピレーション ~ルーツを大切に~

When Hilda and Vivi first came into contact with each other's music, the idea of a duo of Joik and accordion came to them at the same time.
The ancient Sampi singing style of Joik and the accordion duo has created music that has never been seen or heard, completely transcending the term "Finnish music".