ルイーザ・ソブラル from ポルトガル

アメリカボストンにあるバークリー音楽大学を卒業後、2011年にリリースされたファーストアルバム「The Cherry On My Cake」はポルトガルアルバムチャートでいきなり3位にランクイン。ポルトガルが、世界が、求めていた音楽をリリースした瞬間でした。
Luisa Sobral, one of the most praised composers and singers of the new generation Portuguese artist.
After graduating from Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA, her first album "The Cherry On My Cake" released in 2011 suddenly ranked 3rd on the Portuguese album chart.
It was the moment when she released the music that Portugal and the world were looking for.

Whispering soft singing and singing voice. Portuguese music such as fado and bossa nova. Also influenced by French pop and jazz, Luisa has established her own world of music.
Her musicality has gained popularity all over the world, and her activities are expanding not only in Portugal but also all over the world.

ルイーザは2017年のユーロヴィジョン・ソング・コンテストで優勝したサルヴァドール・ソブラルの実姉で、その優勝曲「Amar pelos dois(二人の愛)」を作曲したことでもヨーロッパでは広く認知されています。
Louisa is the sister of Salvador Sobral, who won the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest, and is widely recognized in Europe for composing the winning song "Amar pelos dois".
In fact, this is the first time the Portuguese have won the Eurovision Song Contest, and the first time Europeans have chosen a jazz song as a winner.