ライト・イン・バビロン from イスラエル、フランス、トルコ
動画総再生回数3000万回! ストリートライブから始まったターキッシュドリーム!

ライト・イン・バビロンは2010年にヴォーカル兼パーカッションのMichal Elina Kamal、ギターのJulien Demarque、イランの伝統楽器サントゥールを演奏するMeteha Ciftciのトリオとして活動を開始します。結成当時はトルコ・イスタンブールのイスティクラル通りでストリートライブをしながら腕を磨く日々だったそうです。ある日偶然通りかかった人が彼らの演奏動画をYouTubeにアップしたところ、これが2000万回(2020年10月時点)以上再生される大ヒット。一気に世界中で知られることとなりました。
"Light in Babylon" formed in 2010 as a trio of vocalist and percussionist Michal Elina Kamal, guitarist Julien Demarque and Meteha Ciftci playing the traditional Iranian instrument Santoor. At the time of their formed, it seems that they were honing their skills while performing street live performances on Istiklal Street in Istanbul, Turkey. One day, a person who happened to pass by uploaded a video of their performance on YouTube, and this was a big hit that was played more than 20 million times (as of October 2020). They became known all over the world at once.

When they were doing a street live on Istiklal Street, no one on the street looked at them, and they passed by with no expression.
They want people to stop, listen, smile, cry, dance, and become the light of hope for people with their music. And they chose the word "Light" as the band name.
Having made people smile on Istiklal Street, they are now moving to big stages around the world and impressing their listeners.

ライト・イン・バビロンのメンバーは実に様々な国のメンバーで構成されています。Michal Elina Kamalはイランをルーツに持つイスラエル人、Julien Demarqueはフランス人、Meteha Ciftciはトルコ人です。彼らは自分達の出身や伝統を大切にし、音楽に反映させながらも、生まれや国籍にとらわれることなく「地球人」「人間」として活動しています。
The members of Light in Babylon are made up of members from many different countries.
Michal Elina Kamal is an Israeli with Iranian roots, Julien Demarque is a French, and Meteha Ciftci is a Turk.
They value their origins and traditions and reflect them in their music.
And they active as "earthlings" and "humans" regardless of their birth or nationality.
The global attitude of playing music easily across nation and nationalities will become the light of music and humankind in the future, and we think they will increase the number of followers more and more from now on.