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Anandi Bhattacharya

アナンディ・バタチャルヤ from インド



2018年デビューアルバム「Joys Abound」で突如として現れた「アナンディ・バタチャルヤ」。「Joys Abound」は<ワールドミュージック・ヨーロッパ>および<トランスグローバル・ワールドミュージックチャート・ヨーロッパ>で2018年ベストアルバム賞を受賞。<ソングライン誌ミュージックアワード2019>でビリー・アイリッシュらと並びベストアーティスト賞を受賞するなど、デビューと同時に数々のアワードを受賞しています。


"Anandy Batacharya" appeared on the 2018 debut album "Joys Abound".

"Joys Abound" won the 2018 Best Album Award at <World Music Europe> and <Transglobal World Music Charts Europe>.

At the same time as her debut, she has won numerous awards, including winning <the Best Artist Award> alongside Billie Eilish and others at the <Songline Magazine Music Awards 2019>.

She is a supernova that has received a lot of attention in the world music world.





At the age of 16, she participated in the music recording of the Hollywood movie "Unidian".

She is also the singer for "Bohomaan" by Triwood movie (Bengali movie).

It won't be long before she is in charge of the music for Bollywood movies, which have been booming all over the world in recent years.





One of the characteristics of Indian music from Anandi is that it is straightforward and easy to understand. Some people say, "I overturned the image of Indian music."

She was born into a traditional music family. The family is world-famous traditional musicians for those who know Indian music.

She has lived a life surrounded by music even before she even thought about it.

She is, so to speak, a thoroughbred of Indian traditional music.

But, Anandi also sings jazz and pops and almost every kind of music.

She is beginning to break through the boundaries of tradition and create a new path to Indian music that combines her contemporary sensibilities.



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Project by  Harmony Fields




協力: Saura Booking Agency、オフィスサンビーニャ、張紜寧/Sonny : MSI JAPAN OSAKA、Mathieu : Ma Grobale Production、Paulo Sousa Martins : Locomotiva Azul 

Info: Harmony Fields

17-11, Kitaguchi-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, HYOGO, #663-0835 JAPAN

TEL. +81-(0)798-55-9833 FAX. +81-(0)798-55-8307

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